Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25 v. 40
Help Provide Medical Care to sick children in Haiti - Our mobile clinics provide medical care to poverty-stricken areas.We focus on the needs of the poor in remote rural areas without personal gain, but with love. With your donation, you will help sick children to receive the medical care that they desperately need. Without generous donors like you, these children would have nowhere to go for treatment.
Please, help us to provide medical care for these precious children - they need your attention and your help by making a donation to Christian Outreach World Mission. Maybe, you are a doctor or a nurse who can help these precious children by serving them in our next mission trip to Haiti. If this is so, do not hesitate to contact us.
Medical Clinic of June 2016 @ Foret- des- Pins, Haiti.Thank you to Pastor Michael Baviello and his wonderful medical staff.

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A 7.0 magnitude quake has devastated Haiti! Hundreds of thousands are still living in tents! Hundreds of thousands Left with no home!
Street Children: In this small nation ravaged by poverty, children and teens make up 45% of the total population and are often the first ones to suffer.
Orphan in Haiti: in a nation of 8.5 million, orphanages often are the last refuge of hope.